Wednesday, 12 October 2016



YouTube is a hard thing to do, sometimes you need help with video ideas. Sometimes if its to hard people will quit doing YouTube even if they are almost to 100 subscribers. Some YouTubers push people up and try to make people better but some don't. Some people do it for the money but really you should do it for your happiness. You might do vlogs every day or a weekly video but you might be doing it for the money not for your happiness.

here is a list what not to do on YouTube:

  • don't use pictures from google
  • don't say anyones names only if they said your aloud
  • do blur faces if they don't want to be on YouTube.
 here is a link if you want to go to my YouTube channel <---------Click for my YouTube channel :)

and that is the end of my YOUTUBE I will do a part 2 soon so yeah Byeeeeeeee BOOP !!!!